2023 Annual Activity Reports (AAR)

A Life Advocate is a member of a Lutheran church who works closely with the pastor to look for opportunities to equip their congregation to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life. This is done by sharing life information in the church’s communications, utilizing LFL materials both in print and online, and assisting in organizing educational opportunities to serve both their church and the surrounding community. The Life Advocate is a volunteer within the congregation working under the pastor’s supervision and serves as a liaison with Lutherans For Life. To find out more about becoming a Life Advocate, contact Virginia Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations, at vflo@lutheransforlife.org or 651.333.0337.

Life Advocate Sign-Up Form (or scan the QR code)

Life Advocate Position Description

Position Overview: A Life Advocate (LA) is a member of a Lutheran church who works closely with their pastor(s) to equip their congregation to be Gospel-motivated voices For Life. This is done by sharing life information in the church’s communications, by utilizing LFL materials both in print and online, and by assisting in organizing educational opportunities for their congregation.

Essential Core Values of a Life Advocate: 

  • Express a zeal and passion for dealing with the life issues that flows from their love of Jesus Christ.
  • Have a servant’s heart based on the example of the servanthood of Jesus Christ.
  • Be a member in good standing of the Lutheran congregation they serve.
  • Have a commitment to the Mission, Message, and Manner of Lutherans For Life as well as all position statements as listed on the Lutherans For Life website.
  • Have a willingness to advocate for life, as directed through pastoral leadership consultation so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preeminent.

Responsibilities of a Life Advocate:

  1. Communicate regularly with their pastor(s).
  2. Provide life-affirming resources for the church newsletter, bulletin, website, and other forms of church communication on a regular basis to advance the congregation’s life ministry.
  3. Directions – Bi-monthly newsletter that provides articles of interest and project ideas to share.
  4. LifeDate – LFL quarterly journal of news and commentary.
  5. Life Notes – Weekly email providing updated LFL information.
  6. Life Quotes – Quotations on life issues that may be reproduced in church bulletins and newsletters.
  7. Make available additional For Life resources, brochures, booklets etc., found on the LFL website RESOURCE tab or from Concordia Publishing House (cph.org).
  8. Submit an Annual Activity Report (AAR).
  9. Have computer access (or someone on whom they can rely for that access) to enable them to receive regular, planned email communications from Lutherans For Life that may then be passed on to their pastor and congregation.

The Volunteer Relations Team at Lutherans For Life is continually available to offer help and advice. The Life Advocate is a vital part of our Frontline ministry, and we pledge our support.

Virginia J. Flo, Director of Volunteer Relations
vflo@lutheransforlife.org | 651.333.0337

Michele Hartshorn, Assistant Director of Volunteer Relations
mhartshorn@lutheransforlife.org | 612.816.6194

Barbara Lane Geistfeld, DVM, Volunteer Relations Associate
bgeistfeld@lutheransforlife.org | 830.935.3415 (H) | 830.388.8640 (C)

What is a Life Advocate?

Frontline Call Info

LFL Frontline Zoom Call Information – July 8, 2024

Frontline Call Archive