Pastor Ed Koch: Standing Firm

It takes real courage for people to reform their lives. لعبه البوكر لعبه البوكر The decision to change calls for total commitment. That’s frightening enough to make most people give

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The Demise of Satan

“Women have abortions because they care about motherhood.” It’s “excellent medicine.” (Elizabeth Newhall on MSNBC, October 25, 2010). When you hear such outrageous comments spoken and taken as if they

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Bringing Life to Russia and Latvia

Rev. Don Richman, LFL’s International Representative, travels often to Russia and Eastern Europe. Here is a recent update on opportunities he has had to apply God’s Word to the life issues.

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New Cross Display in Iowa

In August 2005, two young girls were moved by the story of the LFL crosses broken at a church. sportfogadás stratégia They went and asked their father, Tim Harris of

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Mike Adams: Searching for Bonhoeffer

During the 1990s, “seeker-friendly” churches began popping up everywhere. Most were non-denominational churches looking to reach those who fell between the cracks and divides that separate many of our traditional

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