November 15, 2022

by Deaconess Pamela Buhler

Fulcrums can be useful if you know how to use them. Do you remember how much fun we had on seesaws when we were kids? With the fulcrum in the middle and only the weight of riders to adjust, our curiosity was stimulated. I remember being held captive or launched in the air because my weight was no match for the load on the other side, and my efforts were in vain.

Life can be a seesaw of experiences. As we seek God in Scripture, His Word adjusts our hearts to be ambassadors for Christ. The Spirit leads us from the suffering of hard times into a balanced and blessed life by showing us God’s plan of reconciliation. If we seek worldly possessions and recognition, our life can become meaningless and empty. The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is nothing new under the sun. It opens our eyes to the futile efforts behind a life of vanity. The author warns us not to reach after wealth, where moth and rust destroy, because it is all meaningless and will pass away. Paul reiterates this principle in the first chapter of Ephesians when he encourages us to live with Christ as our focal point and die for gain. God warns us that this short-lived life will either bind you to Him or loosen you to earthly pleasures.

 The Bible teaches us to live in our baptismal identity during this life so we can be blessed with eternal life. Through the washing of Holy Baptism, we receive Christ’s perfect life and death on the cross. Imputed with Christ’s righteousness, He balances our life with a journey of becoming more Christ-like. As a baptized child, God helps us daily to pivot from contrition into repentance to drown all sins and evil desires. God gives us the gift of Baptism so we can “daily emerge and arise to live before God in righteousness and purity forever.” What a blessing! 

The ups and downs of this life can be hard, but God gives us His armor to wear and equips us with the tools we need for this life. The Bible tells us that there is only one way to heaven, and that is by grace through faith in Christ alone. Jesus is our rock and cornerstone, the heart of our salvation and the fulcrum of our reconciliation with God. Faith in Christ is foundational, and since He is the only one who can help us balance the surges of life, we look to Him for peace and hope.

Surely, sanctification and seesaws teeter on the same subject somewhere? Ah yes, at the fulcrum. A fulcrum is helpful if the lever is used correctly. Keeping our eyes focused on Jesus as the central point of every day allows us to acknowledge Him as the only source of our salvation. He brings balance to our life by supporting the full weight of our load as our Fulcrum in life. The closer we scoot toward Jesus and align our posture with the Fulcrum, the sooner we will feel balanced and find rest for our souls. This does not mean we supply any effort toward our own salvation. It simply means, as our faith grabs hold of God’s promise, His grace “shall fold us to His breast there within His arms to rest.”

Picture yourself standing in the middle of the seesaw right over the Fulcrum. Here, held by grace, we can surrender ourselves to the Gospel and rest on the shoulders of Christ—whose outstretched arms bear the load of our sin through 100% of His effort. That’s right where we should be, and that’s where Word of Hope can help. Call upon us in the day of trouble, and we will share the love of Jesus with you and explain how Christ alone offers balance for our lives in this imbalanced world.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Jesus (Matthew 11:28-30 ESV)