November 30, 2011

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’” (Acts 20:35).

Isn’t the above verse a great one for those of us who are For Life? Work hard and declare the wonders of God’s love to others, especially those who are weak.

I hear and see so many of our LFL supporters working hard to proclaim God’s love, that wonderful free gift, to educate people about life issues, and to help the weak. The weak can be those who are at the end of life and need help to get to the doctor’s appointment or their chemo treatment or it can be the young single pregnant woman who has no job and doesn’t know how she can keep the baby growing inside her.

As I reviewed the chapter reports from a recent state federation newsletter, I read of LFL chapters and their members putting up witness cross displays, participating in the Life Chain, going Christmas caroling to the homebound of their congregation, offering soup suppers to worshippers before and after Advent services, making gift bags for Birthright to give to new mothers, donating  the Teaching for Life® curriculum to Lutheran schools, having rummage sales so nine youth and three adult sponsors can attend the national LFL conference next summer, offering a reception for mothers on Mother’s Day, sponsoring a presentation on Caring for the Barren, and the list goes on. What often is not reported are the individuals who are interacting one-on-one with those who need help or who are weak. Our LFL members love the Lord and it shows in all that they do and say.

One LWML President shared the following story with me, “There was a poster of how babies develop and grow in the womb on the church bulletin board. A woman who had come to the church for a wedding saw it and called the number that was on it. Because of that poster and call she decided to keep her baby. She had been thinking about an abortion.” [Info on the Watch Me Grow posters—shown here—is in the enclosed Life Sunday flyer.] When this LWML president heard this story the child was then three years old. She shared, “Keep up your work to promote life. The work you do is saving lives.”

Jesus says it is more blessed to give than to receive. You give in many ways. By giving of your time and talents, and also by giving financially to support your local chapter, your state federation, your congregation, and national Lutherans For Life. Your partnership with us makes a difference! Matthew 6:21 say, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve the Lord with your time, talent, and treasure.