January 26, 2022

LifeDate Spring 2022

We worship You as our Father who created all life,

Jesus as the Redeemer of our lives,

And Holy Spirt as the one who is always available to guide is in the proclamation and action concerning the protection of life from conception to natural death.

Forgive us for our apathy as revealed by the priority we have devoted to prayer and action particularly related to the protection of the pre-born. We plead the blood of Jesus for our sins and the sins of our nation.

We thank you for leading Justices Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Stephen Breyer, Neil Gorsuch, Elena Kagan, Brett Kavanaugh, Sonia Sotomayor, John Roberts, and Clarence Thomas to hear the Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health case. As these justices finalize their opinions, we ask that You reveal to them the details of how in both the Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton cases, there were misrepresentations of facts. Thus, they need Your wisdom concerning the preservation of an opinion based on the precedent of the Roe v Wade decision. Protect them from any confusion the enemy will try to cause.

May each justice become aware that someday they will stand before You and be required to take responsibility for how they ruled in protecting the innocent human life You created in the womb. May that thought give them a healthy fear of Your judgment that far outweighs all the opinions or threats of men.

Holy God, we implore You to end abortion as part of Your revival of America!

In the precious name of Jesus, we thank You for answered prayer. Amen.