Why Do Believers Commit Suicide?

Kay L. Meyer, director of development for Lutherans For Life, talks with Peter Preus about his new book, “And She Was a Christian – Why Do Believers Commit Suicide?,” on the Family Shield radio program.

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Renewal For Life

Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, executive director of Lutherans For Life, addresses the importance and responsibility of the Church in addressing the life issues and the challenges she faces. Through the Renewal For Life® initiative, the help and support needed within the Church to address these issues is available. Dr. Lamb explains how you and your congregation can become involved with Renewal For Life®.

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The Abundant Life

Dr. Lamb speaks on “The Abundant Life” from John 10:10. The abundant life Jesus speaks of here is not necessarily a life of abundance. It is following the Shepherd through any and all circumstances.

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Astonishingly Amazing!

Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb says something “astonishingly amazing” happened in Mark 1:21-28 What was it? (Recorded 1/29/12 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ames, Iowa.)

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Abortion and the Church – A Family Shield Interview with Dr. Lamb

In a letter written by Dr. James Lamb, the Executive Director of Lutherans For Life, he said that one young woman wrote him and said, “If just one person would have told me not to have the abortion, I wouldn’t have. But no one did.” The Church needs to speak up and apply the law and Gospel to life issues like abortion. Those that have experienced an abortion need to hear the hope of the Gospel preached and taught within the Church. Why? Because abortion is not the unforgiveable sin!

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