President’s Panel: Equipping the Church For Life!

LFL state federation presidents shared ideas and resources that individuals, Life Teams, chapters, and federations can use to promote life issues in congregations, schools, etc., at the 2012 National Lutherans For Life Conference. The theme of the conference was “Equipping the Saints For Life!”

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Dr. Lamb: Encouraging the Shepherds

Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, executive director of Lutherans For Life, spoke to fellow pastors, August 3, at the 2012 Lutherans For Life National Conference in Itasca, Illinois, on “Encouraging the Shepherds.”

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The Other End of Life

“The Other End of Life,” with Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, takes a look at end-of-life issues. Key Concept: God gives life value and purpose and decides the time of our death. Gospel Focus: Christ’s victory over death and the grave makes death a gain and makes life meaningful.

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When Did You Become a Dad?

When did you become a dad? Was it when your wife (or girlfriend) told you, “I’m pregnant?” Some fathers are very excited to hear this news–and others are not so excited. Kay Meyer, director of development for Lutherans For Life talks with Kurt Ramspott of Guys for Life on the Family Shield Father’s Day program.

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