Biblical Manhood And Womanhood

Human beings are unique. Humans are not physical replicas of God, not part of God or independent from God, but in relationship with God. God gave humans the responsibility to act out this partnership in a way that reflects the glory of God (Hebrews 2:7). God created two distinct human beings-male and female. They are not like the animals that they rule, but stamped with the divine image of God. Although the divine image is lost (Genesis 3), their original position in creation gives humans special dignity (Psalm 8).

Human Worth, Living and Dying, Suffering and Surviving

Most Christians realize that suicide and euthanasia are sin. We understand that it is not within the jurisdiction of human authority to determine when we or others will die. In spite of what we believe, groups such as Americans for Death with Dignity seek legalization of physician-assisted suicide citing “quality of life” as justification. They believe that persons should be allowed to determine the time of their death so as to avoid suffering, frustration, excessive expense, and that new “evil foe,” indignity …

The Courageous Decision

When you see the joy and jubilation surrounding a family completed or blessed by the adoption of a new child, do you wonder about the birth mother? Why did she give up the joy of motherhood? How could she do it? Should she have done it? And what power is operative in a woman who chooses to place her child for adoption? When a mother makes this choice, she goes against the grain of her created nature—that God-given instinct, desire, and enabling to care for a new baby.

Forgotten Fathers – Helping Men After an Abortion

At Word of Hope we see how important it is to not overlook the needs of men. For every woman who participates in an abortion, there is a man. Although men are less likely to seek recovery, they suffer many of the same emotional feelings as women.

What’s Your Plan?

It was as if the journalist from Reuters News Service was speaking directly to me. “What’s your plan,” he pointedly and bluntly asked, “for parenting and educating all the unwanted children you people want to bring into the world? Who will pay for policing our streets and maintaining the prisons needed to contain them when you, their parents, and the system fail them?”

Creation Matters!

How did the universe begin? Creation? Evolution? How about theistic evolution? What should we believe? How do we know which is true? Does it really even matter? Why does Lutherans For Life (LFL) care about creation?

Womb Walking

‘Walking’ in the womb? Professor Stuart Campbell of London’s Create Health Clinic has perfected an ultrasound technique that not only produces 3D images, but also shows fetal movement in real time (4D).

Understanding Abortion’s Aftermath

Since 1973, there have been more than 44 million abortions in the United States. LFL’s Word of Hope receives around 250 calls each month from people across the country hurting because of a past abortion. Many say the experience has devastated their lives, causing long-lasting emotional, psychological, and spiritual trauma.