On Friday, Citizenlink posted an interview with Glenn T. Stanton on his new book about living together. كازينو الكويت
When asked, “Why did you feel this was such an important book to write?,” Glenn said, “Because there is nothing that so many people so freely chose to do with the mistaken understanding that it will boost their chances of attaining a happy, thriving marriage (than live together before marriage) — but in fact, nearly all the evidence indicates there are few things they could do to so efficiently and effectively sandbag any chance of a successful marriage. More than 60 percent of marriages in the U. لعبة بلاك جاك S. are preceded by cohabitation. These couples need to know what the social sciences say on how harmful such a choice is to their current and future relationships. I don’t know of anyone who wants to intentionally hurt their likelihood of succeeding at marriage, but that is exactly what they are doing. The science is robust and clear on this point. المراهنة ”
Lutherans For Life has an excellent brochure, written by Linda Bartlett, called “Why Not Just Live Together?” (LFL607T) You can order it through Concordia Publishing House. Be sure and check out all our resources in the Family Living section!