How to Help Orphans to Adapt to Life Outside – Notable quote: “There are no tracking mechanisms for the 20,000 young adults leaving orphanages every year, and statistics suggest only about 10 percent successfully adapt to normal life. Alcoholism, drug addiction, criminality and suicide take the rest.” A human tragedy. Yet, when a mid-Iowa group called Camp Hope–dedicated to helping older Russian orphans find Forever Families–posted more or less the same info on their website, it angered certain Russian authorities. These same authories stopped adoptions leaving these kids with a bleak future–and their American families broken-hearted and confused.
Media Hides Fact: Planned Parenthood Does 40% of Abortions
Mothers for Hire – “Many Australians travel to India and pay surrogate mothers to bear their child. But the local women are often poor, desperate and exploited.”
Girl, 4, hid under bodies of slain family
Instilling Pro-Life Values in Your Children, Ideas for Parents by Kristi Burton Brown
Pounding the Table About Abortion by Ken Conner
Video: Cardinal Dolan’s pro-life, pro-family prayer rocks the Democratic convention
After 40 weeks of pregnancy, a baby is born; After 40 years of Roe v. Wade, life begins again.
Twelve Things Still Wrong with Health Reform – You can also check out LFL’s statement on the HHS Mandate here.