Government approves tax-funded abortions by Alissa Robertson
Audio: Issues, Etc. – The Link Between Breast Cancer and Abortion – Dr. Angela Lanfrachi of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute
Of Mice and Men – And the Abolition of Both by Eric Metaxas – “A new medical discovery might pose ethical challenges we’ve never faced before.”
Famous singer unfortunately misunderstands and misrepresents effectiveness of embryonic stem cells by Dave Andrusko
Dogs are great—but not persons by Wesley J. Smith
Nobel Prize Winners Discover How Cells Transport Materials
Family Living
Courage, and them some by Jenny Kirk – “In many ways, 11-year-old Kate Jorgenson is like other kids her age. She’s active and energetic. But she’s also very different from a lot of kids, not because she recently lost her left arm in a farming accident, but because of her unstoppable determination, positive thinking and her refusal to accept unspoken limitations. Kate’s courage seems to amaze everyone, including her parents …”
Worldview and Culture
14 monumental sculptures of unborn babies by controversial British artist unveiled in Qatar by John Jalsevac
Miley Cyrus’s Kind of Cool by Mona Charen – “Her VMA performance was tasteless and vulgar, and her SNL performance was more of the same.”