Thousands call Planned Parenthood for mammograms after Obama’s claim by Carl Bunderson
Pro-Lifers: Pay Attention to These Key Ballot Measures by Mary Harned
Russians Warn on U.S. Child Adoptions – So many kids in orphanages, yet Russia does all it can to make adoption difficult. Why? A friend wrote me the other night and said it very well: “19 out of 65,000. I don’t want this to sound all schoolyard playground, because yes, children adopted from Russia have died in the U.S. BUT, how many kids aged out of the orphanages in Russia have died per 65,000? Does the Russian media ever look at that? I just continue to be amazed at this guy. The only reason–THE ONLY REASON–that the U.S. doesn’t tell Russia to “forget it” and stop giving in to their demands is because people still want to take these kids into their homes and give them a chance at a future. If America wasn’t so open hearted, Astakhov would have nothing to hang his hat on and would have to take responsibility for his failure to protect the children already in his own country.”
5 Ways to Support Foster Families and Kids During the Holidays by Wendy McMillan
Congressman defends statement that abortion is never medically necessary by Kirsten Andersen
Norplant is Back–Under a Different Name by Steven W. Mosher and Elizabeth Crnkovich
NPR Audience Wants End of Life Care Rationed for the Elderly by Wesley J. Smith
Ten Pro-Life Responses to Pro-Abortion Politicians by Father Frank Pavone
Three vital issues that were ignored at Monday’s presidential debate by Ben Johnson
Elderly Widow Told Not to Pray in Public Housing Complex
The Many Faces of Mitt by Steve Deace
Salt, Light, Fire and Brimstone – A Thought Experiment by Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr.
Why Is Homosexuality Wrong? by John Piper
Alone Together – Is Technology Making Us Less Us? by John Stonestreet – “We’re better connected to each other than any generation in history. So why are we so lonely? Well, one sociologist offers an answer.”
Transforming an historic building into Seven Sisters Coffee by Audrey Kletscher Helbling – This has nothing to do with life issues, but I wanted to share a nice story from my hometown of Lamberton, Minnesota.
A wonderful story — Posted below if a photo from Day of Prayer for Orphans (Ukraine). This boy was featured in a recent video produced by the organization. The translated caption read: “Just found out about … the request of one of the boys, who starred in the video for “Day of prayer for the orphans.” The boy turned to God asking to get a new family, despite his being close to adulthood. So, here is the answer: a few days ago, this teen was taken to a foster family. Now he has a mom and dad and wonderful brothers and sisters … Do I need any other proof that God calls himself the Father of orphans and personally cares about their fate?”