October 22, 2014


“Are We the Baddies?” – A wake-up call to abortion supporters by Eric Metaxas – Martin Luther said, “To go against conscience is neither right nor safe.” Find out why this is an issue for the pro-choice movement.”


Study by Cambridge researchers finds “hidden brain signatures” of consciousness in patients said to be in a persistent vegetative state by Dave Andrusko

Cells transplanted from patient’s own nose help paralyzed man walk by Dave Andrusko


There’s Nothing Dignified About Dying by Tracy Quathem

Of Michael Landon and Brittany Maynard: The Changing Meaning of Courage in the Face of Pending Death by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Bigger the wedding, more likely the divorce? by Tamara Rajakariar

5 things you should consider saying to your kids more often by Melanie Pritchard

Worldview and Culture

“Bonkers”: Constitutional experts reply to Obama’s belief that the Constitution protects gay “marriage” by Kirsten Andersen

Hamfisted on Houston or not?: A response to Tim Bayly by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Houston’s First Amendment Problem by Ben Carson – “Subpoenaing ministers for their sermons and correspondences is Big Government at its worst.”

Report on SPUC support for the pro-life movement in Slovenia

A Film for Our Time – The Importance of “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” By Eric Metaxas – “Seventy-five years ago one of America’s greatest directors premiered his greatest film. Why that film matters and why you need to see it again. ivermectina precio ahorro