Telling Secrets on Abortion Coverage by Tony Perkins
Tragic: 40 Abortions Take Place Every Week Two Blocks from the White House by Cortney O’Brien
Australian March for Babies turns violent: U.S. pro-life activists, MPs assaulted by pro-abort mob by John Jalsevac
Regular Abortion Procedure “More Horrific” than Gosnell’s by Bob Unruh
Bad Boy Does Good – The Miraculous Journey by Eric Metaxas – “The development of a baby in the womb is a miracle. And as a newly unveiled series of sculptures show, good art can portray the miracle powerfully.”
The Unmistakable Parallels Between Abortion and Slavery by Calvin Frieburger
Faultless: The American Orphan – “Faultless: The American Orphan was created to inspire and equip Christ’s followers to more deeply love and care for hurting children in America. Faultless introduces people to Christian orphan care in America by providing an overview of the challenges facing children in foster care, an introduction on how the Bible instructs us to act in light of those challenges, and some hopeful examples of men and women across the country responding to the present needs in truly God-glorifying ways.”
Federal Legislation Can Remove Adoption Barriers by Jeff Katz – An FYI article on removing barriers to adoption.
Ms. Veteran America sends message of hope to foster children
An orphan goes to church and asks someone, anyone to adopt him by Lane Degregory
Physician speaks on adoption of China’s special needs children
Bioethics and Creation
Report: 5 million babies born thanks to assisted reproductive technologies by Michelle Castillo
Is Religion the Enemy of Science? by Gary DeMar
Family Living
Consolation for Those Who Have Loved and Lost
Video: Husbands and Father with Pastor Mark Jeske
Video: Teen Returns Money His Father Allegedly Stole From Elderly Woman
Video: Susannah’s Miracle – A wonderful story from Australia – “Kylie: When we found out that we were pregnant with … number three … we were ecstatic. And at thirty weeks they said “we don’t believe that she will survive.” “The only thing that would make a difference now would be a miracle …”
Worldview and Culture
Modern Slavery in Europe by Justina Vitkauskaite Bernard
Falling on Deaf Ears?—Why So Many Churches Hear So Little of the Bible by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Darren Aronofsky, Paramount Spar Over “Noah” Final Cut by Kim Masters
The End of America—as America by Michael Schuttloffel
Faith-Friendly Public Schools – We Can Make a Difference by Eric Metaxas – “Public school students still enjoy a wide range of religious freedom — even in the classroom. We just need to educate the educators about it.”