November 4, 2013

It was good to be at the Christian Life Resources convention this past Saturday in Slinger, Wisconsin. Their theme was “A Diligent Heart.” A very worthwhile day–lots of good workshops! Coming up next weekend, November 8-9, is our Lutherans For Life National Conference in Urbandale. It should be a good one! The theme is “L.I.F.E – Living in Faith Everyday.” (Registration is full!)


Men and Abortion: The Good, Bad and Ugly by Bradley Mattes


From Iowa Right to Life (10/31/13) – An update on the status of webcam abortions in Iowa:

We were present this morning at the Polk County Courthouse as the judge heard arguments as to why the court should place a motion for stay pending judicial review on the recent decision by the Iowa Board of Medicine (IBOM) to end dangerous webcam abortions in our state. After hearing arguments from both sides, the judge announced she would make her decision before the end of the day on November 5. The Iowa Board of Medicine ruling to end webcam abortions is scheduled to take effect on November 6.

We know from the nearly 30,000 petition signatures we have now collected over the last three years that Iowans want this reckless scheme of webcam abortions to end.

The Iowa Board of Medicine’s press statement on why they voted to “establish standards of practice for physicians who prescribe or administer abortion-inducing drugs to terminate a pregnancy – medical abortion,” is a must-read. Their release refutes all of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s (PPH) myths about the safety of webcam abortions. PPH has tried to make this about politics, but the IBOM made it about the health and safety of women, regardless of where they live. You can read their powerful statement here.

We are so very grateful for the Iowa Board of Medicine’s ruling. The best way you can help us right now is to join us in continued prayer that the judge will rule in favor of protecting Iowa women. We will continue to monitor and bring you the latest in the fight for lives in Iowa.


Video: EMBRYO ADOPTION: Family Of 5 Expecting Triplets by Jannay Towne

Our Lives Changed, but God Never Did

Adoption Under Fire by Susan Olasky

There’s No Telling by Rev. Ken Klaus

Fighting for Every Child’s Right to a Family by Craig Juntunen

Children matter more than prejudices by Krish Kandiah – “Children should not be put off by misconceptions about adoption and fostering”

Quote: “Adopted children, like all children, are a blessing from God, and we are privileged indeed to be granted the honor of raising one of His precious kids.” Solid Answers (Bible Gateway. 11/2/13)


Invite Davion to Your Church! (from the Christian Alliance for Orphans):

The simple newspaper article was titled, “An Orphan Goes to Church and Asks Someone, Anyone to Adopt Him.” It started an avalanche.

You could do the same.

15-year old Davion Only went before the church and expressed, “I’ll take anyone. Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don’t care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be.”

Since then, 10,000 families have inquired about adopting Davion. Why not invite a Davion from your community to share their story with your church—advocating for the 100,000 children in the U.S. who wait for a family?

  • Contact a local foster ministry or agency and ask if any children would want to tell their story. Be especially sensitive to how the child would want to share–—in person, via video, or through an advocate like you.

  • Ask your church leadership for a time on Orphan Sunday or any Sunday in November (National Adoption Month).

  • Prepare for the day with church staff and make sure to offer the congregation other ways to engage besides adoption—such as mentoring, fostering, volunteering as a CASA, or financial support for local or international care efforts.


The V-Word Is as Bad as the N-Word by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Video: Baby girl moved to tears by mom’s singing in viral video ny Kurt Schlosser

How Does the Story End? by Rev. Ken Klaus

Brainwashed? You Bet! by Rev. Ken Klaus