Pro-Choice Organization Compares Abortion to … Getting Your Tonsils Out by Cortney O’Brien
MSNBC Guest: Abortionists Are “Doing Wonderful, Important Work” by Greg Hengler
The Gift of Life by Kathryn Jean Lopez – “Replacing a culture of self-centeredness with one of joy and expectancy.”
Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Theater by Mollie Hemingway
Why China’s One Child Policy Hasn’t Really Changed by Gracy Olmstead
Angry Pro-Abortion Student Trashes Pro-Life Display, Then Helps Put It Back Up by Lauren Enriquez
“Every Child a Wanted Child?” Deconstructing the False Argument for Abortion by Mary Spaulding Balch, JD and Olivia Gans Turner
I’m Angry by Kelly Ensslin
Why Is Guatemala Blocking Americans From Adopting Its Orphans? by Napp Nazworth
Adoption: How God Restores by Kathleen Patterson
Scientific Fact: Human Life Begins at Conception, or Fertilization by Steven Ertelt
“Death Panels” Are Euthanizing Patients Every Day as Doctors Make Treatment Decisions by Bobby Schindler
Imagine Pain Knowing of Own Dehydration! by Wesley J. Smith
Family Living
Audio (Issues Etc.): Sex Education and Your Children – Dr. Gary Zieroth
Christian Leaders Combat Epidemic of Fatherless Families With “Father-Shift” Movement by Alex Murashko
Mom Gives Birth to Three Premature Babies in 28 Months, All Survive by Steven Ertelt
Nurse Behind Special Bath Talks About Viral Video: “Twins Were Born But Haven’t Realized It Yet” by Steven Ertelt
5 population stories you don’t usually hear … by Marcus Roberts