March 26, 2013


MSNBC Talking Head Calls Babies “Things That Might Turn Into Humans” by Steven Ertelt


STUCK: a movie about international adoption

Worldview and Culture

Prayer for America by Steve Deace – Steve is set to be a plenary speaker at the 2013 Lutherans For Life National Conference.

Steve also posted this on his Facebook page yesterday–well-worth reading:

Having communicated with scores of fellow believers all over the country both in person and on the air the past few years, I have come to the conclusion that almost all of our problems come from an unwillingness (most of the time) or an incapability (some of the time) to begin with the premise of what God’s Word says first, and then ascertaining our conclusions of what to do/think from there. Not that then we would all still agree, but the disagreement would be much more constructive, and be about seeking truth rather than having our own opinions and preferences validated. العاب اون لاين مجانا

I know that’s hard to do. ربح المال For me as well it’s tough at times to stop and seek the Word of God first on the debates of the day. But our lack of submission to the Word of God is what prompts us to describe ourselves as “conservatives, liberals, or libertarians.” These are our attempts to fuse or force God’s Word into our chosen tribal instinct/preference, rather than allowing God’s Word to inform us on which tribal instinct/preference is valid and which should be abandoned (and when).

Over the years I can’t tell you how of our “leaders” lack a Biblical rationale for why they’re doing what they’re doing, and why they’re doing it the way they’re doing it, whenever I’ve asked them to produce one. Therefore by the grace of God go I. Please feel free to always ask me if I can reconcile my take on the events of the day with God’s Word. العاب قمار بوكر Iron sharpens iron.

What God Cannot Do by Rev. Todd Wilken

Family Living

Ed Sheeran song with surprisingly pro-life values by Lauren Enriquez

Weeping with those who weep by Whitney Davis – “Despite the number of people affected by suicide, few churches have counseling or grief ministries specifically for survivors.” Lutherans For Life does offer one resource about suicide. Speaking of the Inconceivable – A Closer Look at Suicide’s Stigma by Rev. Peter Preus is now available through CPH. Pastor Preus is also set to have a workshop at the 2013 National Lutherans For Life Conference.

Resources available for supporting an end to human trafficking

If you believe in traditional marriage you’re a segregationist by Gary DeMar

Mother leaves baby in car with note saying she is shopping – “A mother in New Zealand left her newborn baby in the car with a note saying she was shopping and to call her if the infant needed anything.”

Why Christians Should Read Fiction by Russell D. Moore