March 25, 2013


Abortions under China’s one-child policy total entire U.S. population by Angela Lu

The dire situation on adoption reveals the cruel illogicality of abortion by John Smeaton

Russia Sees Its First 40 Days for Life Pro-Life Prayer Event by Shawn Carney


Porn Not the Only Industry Commodifying Women by Chelsea Zimmerman

A Surrogate Mom’s Courage – A Baby is Not a Product by John Stonestreet

New Mobile App Has Amazing Pictures of Unborn Babies, Helps Women by Luis Zaffirini

Family Life

A Tale of Two Mothers: My Pro-Life Mom Versus Margaret Sanger by Ryan Bomberger

Loving Children With Down Syndrome: Love Doesn’t Count Chromosomes by Laura Peredo 

First hell, now marriage by Tiffany Owens

Laissez Faire Marriage? by Steve Deace – Lots to think about, as is the norm with Steve’s columns. Steve is scheduled to be a speaker at the 2013 National Lutherans For Life Conference.

Sexting: A troubling new way to harm – Cellphone users who engage in it may be unknowingly committing a crime, experts say by Jason Clayworth

It’s OK to Kill Your Children but Not Educate Them by Gary DeMar – A report on homeschooling in Sweden.

Video: Deaf mother hears son’s voice

Video: Abel’s Field – My son, Alex, and I watched this movie the other night. It is excellent. Kevin Sorbo is best known as “Hercules.”

Orphan and Foster Care

There are orphans among us by D.C. Innes

Worldview and Culture

Silence of the Bishop: A Calm, Cautious, and Controlled Response to Critics of Christianity by Michael Svigel


“While we’re at it… when the Secretary of HHS decrees that we should be forced to pay for the murder of babies, why don’t you decree that Americans are no longer going to pay for HHS? What of all the other oppressive, and in the case of Planned Parenthood, evil organizations immorally funded by our tax dollars?” Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, speaking at CPAC