How My Pregnancy Exposed The Silent Genocide Of Babies With Down Syndrome by Amber Bohach – “It has never been a better time to be a person with Down syndrome, unless he is still in the womb.”
If Girls Want To Be ‘Candid’ About Abortion On TikTok, They Should Livestream It All by Joy Pullmann – “This article deals with sensitive information that may be traumatizing especially for postabortive men and women and those who have experienced miscarriage. My heart goes out to you. You can heal.”
If Abortion Providers Cared About Women, They Wouldn’t Fight Abortion Safety At The Supreme Court by Theresa Bonopartis
Abortion Industry To Supreme Court: Women Don’t Need Safety Standards When Their Wombs Are Being Scraped Out by Margot Cleveland – “The lawyers representing the abortion providers cemented a new reality: that the abortion industry doesn’t want ‘safe, legal, and rare,’ it wants ‘unsafe, legally.’”
My Son Had An Adverse Prenatal Diagnosis, But It Would Not Have Justified Aborting Him by Kirsten Hasler – “I empathize with these women because I know what it feels like to have a doctor tell you your child could die in utero or live a hard life. But it doesn’t justify abortion as a necessary evil.”
Actress Busy Phillips Gave Thanks To Her Abortion For Her Professional Success by Chrissy Clark
California Throws The Books At Undercover Reporter Who Exposed Baby Body Trafficking by Thomas Brejcha – “Even those who disagree with David Daleiden and his techniques but care about how the legal actions against him could define press freedom need to follow this case.”
Extraordinary misrepresentation of anti-abortion prayer vigil outside London clinic
American Idol Contestant Amber Fiedler Shares Amazing Story of Choosing Adoption Over Abortion by Dave Ankrusko
No to ‘Quality of Life’ Coronavirus Health-Care Rationing by Wesley J. Smith
Some of the Needed First Steps When Debating by Gary DeMar
God’s Got This! by Pastor Mike Novotny – “In challenging and scary times, know that God is here with you, right now, and he has everything under control.”
COVID-19: How Should Christians Respond by Simonetta Carr
9 Ways to Guard Your Personal Relationship with God by David Murray
End of Life
How Assisted Suicide Quickly Evolves Into An Unfettered Right To Die by Auguste Meyrat – “In nearly every country and state that has legalized some form of assisted suicide, the pattern is the same: A narrow suicide exception broadens until everyone has the right to commission their own killing.”
“Disturbing”: 2,655 Belgians Including One Child Were Killed By Euthanasia In 2019
Family Living
6-Step Quick-Start Guide To Substituting For Your Kid’s School While It’s Closed by Joy Pullman – “Six states and multiple cities have closed public schools for at least next week due to the Wuhan virus. Here are some basic things to help you go from zero to cruising this weekend.”
Four Ways to Help Your Kids Navigate the World of Screens by Tim Barnett
Worldview and Culture
Open Letter to a Pregnant Woman During the Coronavirus Crisis by Maria Gallagher
Coronavirus: A Biblical & Practical Perspective by Dr. Andrew Fabich
The Foster Care System Is A Disaster. That’s Why You Should Join It by Hans Fiene – “The child welfare system is broken. It’s a disaster. It’s a travesty. And we can’t help but want to be part of it.”
Courageous Preachers Serve as the Nation’s Conscience by Gary DeMar
Pro-Lifers’ Social Media Bans Are Too Numerous To Not Be Censorship by Lila Rose – “Big Tech routinely steps into the abortion debate, censors the pro-life side, favors the pro-abortion side, and then laughably claims to be enforcing neutral policies.”
The Bible and Western Civilization by Gary DeMar
Today’s Virus Scare is Not a Sign of the End or Anything Near a True Pandemic by Gary DeMar