March 23, 2017


Planned Parenthood Videos Describe Abortion Without Mentioning the Baby, It’s “Passing Clots” “Like a Miscarriage” by Micaiah Bilger

British Medical Association medical ethics expert: sex-selective abortion in interests of mother AND baby

Pro-Aborts are the Real Science Deniers by Bradley Mattes 

Australian Northern Territory decriminalises abortion

Family Living

Loving the difficult child by Mary Cooney – “There are times when it can be a real challenge.” 

10 Reasons I Still Keep A Clean House Despite Everyone Insisting It’s Stupid by Katie Schuermann – “It’s not that I believe plungers are more important than people, but I do think keeping a clean house best serves the mortals—big and small—that I love.”


No, Senator Feinstein, Roe v. Wade Is Not a “Superprecedent” – There’s No Such Thing by David French

Worldview and Culture

Monasteries of the Mind by Victor David Hanson – “When everything is politicized, people retreat into mental mountaintops — dreams of the past and fantasies of the future.”

Why It’s A Problem That Reading Is At 30-Year Lows, And How ‘Digital Temperance’ Can Help by Gracy Olmstead – “Americans’ interest in literature has dropped to a three-decade low. The fact is, many don’t know what they are missing—and they don’t care.”