June 27, 2013


Clear eyes, full heart, can’t stop advocating for abortion by Molly Zigler Hemmingway

Five More Things You Should Know About the Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz by Lauren Enriquez

The Forgotten Fathers: What About Abortion’s Negative Impact on Men? by Lauren Enriquez

Adoption/Orphan Care

The Dark Matter of Love by Jedd Medefind

Family Living

What the Supreme Court decision means by Marvin Olasky

The Supremes and Marriage – The Battle Goes On by Eric Metaxas – “Okay, you’ve seen the news, you’ve listened to the talking heads: But what exactly did the Supreme Court’s rulings mean for marriage?

SCOTUS and Marriage: What It Means by Steve Deace

SCOTUS, DOMA, and Prop 8 by Ed Szeto

Court rulings elevate sexual identity over race by Steve Deace

“Waiting for the Other Shoe” – The Supreme Court Rules on Same-Sex Marriage by Albert Mohler Jr.

LCMS ‘saddened’ by Supreme Court ruling in marriage case

How Should Same-Sex Marriage Change the Church’s Witness? by Russell D. Moore

Upholding Marriage: God’s Plan and Gift – A statement by the Rev. Bart Day, executive director, Office of National Mission (LCMS)

Statement: An Affirmation of Marriage by Anglican Church in North America, Lutheran Church-Canada, North American Lutheran Church and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

Family flicks beat R-rated reels at box office by Aimee Stauf

Worldview and Culture

Do you know the Bible? by Robert Long

The Glue Holding America Together by Victor Davis Hanson – “As it fragments into various camps, the country is being held together by a common popular culture.”

“Behold, the Lamb!” by Herbert Mueller – “The Christian Church, wherever she finds herself and in whatever position she has in a given culture, is called to do one thing above all else:  to stand with John the Baptist and to point to Jesus Christ, saying, “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29).”