Abortion Rights offer young people a bleak and nasty vision of life
Margaret Somerville: How do we want our great-great-grandchildren to die?
H. G. Wells and the intellectual origins of Eugenics
New Zealand abortion rate lowest since 1995
Abortionists who fed babies to dogs charged with homicide
Dan Zeleny: ‘I survived a coat-hanger abortion’
Report Shows Abortion Rate Has Dropped 25% Since 1990
Baptist Church Criticized for Sign: “Abortion the Ultimate Racism”
A special woman for special kids: Schaible brings passion, wisdom to program for kids with special needs – Beth Schabile is a former member of the national Lutherans For Life board of directors.
Grotto of the Redemption, the largest creation of its kind, turns 100 – Some of the theology aside, if you are ever near the Grotto in West Bend, iowa, be sure to check it out. It is amazing!