June 14, 2018


“I think it is very much directed towards eliminating Down Syndrome”: debate on screening in Wales

Abortion Hurts Dads Too by Bradley Mattes

Do laws work to stop abortion? by Paul Stark

After the Abortion

Men Break Down in Tears Recalling Abortions, Talk Depression, Decades of Guilt by Stoyan Zaimov

Crisis Pregnancy

Why the hysterical response to women-helping centers? They pose a threat to the Abortion Industry by Dave Andrusko


Good for business: tell the truth by Pastor Mark Jeske


A biblical lesson in real manliness by Dr. Joel McDurmon

Fetal Development

Psychologist: An Unborn Baby “Has No More Qualities of Personhood Than a Zombie” by Isaac Cross


Pro-Choice Authoritarianism Is Coming to Ireland by Wesley J. Smith

BREAKING: Argentina house votes to legalize abortion by Calvin Freiburger

Orphan Care

This Woman’s Autistic Foster Son Was Ripped From Her Arms Because She Works With Catholics by Bre Payton – “Countless foster children are stuck in limbo as the city continues to target Catholic Social Services.”


Video: Father Of 6 Earns Simon’s Golden Buzzer

Worldview and Culture

Are dead white males like Shakespeare really irrelevant to Britain’s students? by Ann Farmer – “Not just the Bard, but also Pope, Dryden and Shelley”

When possessions are poor substitutes for people: hoarding disorder and loneliness by Jessica Grisham and Melissa Norberg – “Social disconnection may be part of the cause.”

Doomed: We Truly are Pretending Dudes Can Have Babies by Peter Heck – “When a culture loses its grip on moral absolutes it quickly devolves into irrationality & ethical insanity. We’re there.”

Masterpiece Cakeshop no sweet victory: a bitter fight lies ahead by Dr. Joel McDurmon