Do We Speak Life or Whisper Death? by Tawnia Hoehne
Planned Parenthood NYC Removes Obscene Ad Touting Abortion As Crucial To Free Sex by Georgi Boorman – “The ad ends with an African-American woman doing a sassy head swivel and saying, ‘F-ck New York and everyone in it.’ It’s hard for a big abortion business to stay classy, obviously.” Warning: This article quotes an obscenity-riddled advertisement.
Why is Planned Parenthood’s Dumpster More Moral than Shelby Taylor’s? by Peter Heck
Thousands of baby booties outside New Zealand Parliament commemorate lives lost to abortion
Abortion drug kills at least 22 women in America
After the Abortion
Exposed: The Turnaway Studies Deceive Public About Abortion Risks
About Those Frozen Embryos – Unintended Consequences and the Limits of Personal Freedom by John Stonestreet & Roberto Rivera – “Frozen embryos aren’t the only ‘byproducts’ of advanced reproductive technology: moral and legal confusions are as well.”
Millions Who Wonder by Pastor Ken Klaus – “A pastor friend of mine told me about a conversation he had with a lady who was asking about what his church believed. Everything went fine until he started talking about God’s Commandments and the penalty for sin. Hearing about hell, the lady blurted: ‘Pastor, that’s impossible! My god would never do such a thing.’”
Heaven is a lake cottage by Jason Nelson
Creating Mental Toughness by Dr. Wayde Goodall
Children as Young as Nine Euthanized in Belgium by Wesley J. Smith
British Supreme Court Rules Patients Can be Starved to Death Without Consent, Without a Court Hearing by Steven Ertelt
Family Living
Each Child Makes Such a Difference by Maria Gallagher
6 Things to Remember for a Successful Marriage by William Boekstein
Wise Parenting Dos and Don’ts From 1886 by Brett & Kate McKay
Where Do Strong Women Come From? by Jay Sanders
With Health Bills, House GOP Happy To Satisfy Business Lobbyists While Ignoring Pro-Lifers by Christopher Jacobs – “Even as the House will consider legislation creating a new qualified medical deduction for gym memberships, it has yet to pass legislation limiting abortion as a medical expense.”
Sexual Purity
Slouching Towards Pedophilia by Peter Heck
Confronting the Sexual Insanity – Start Here by Peter Heck
Worldview and Culture
Sacred Memory – Remembering Is What We Are Meant To Do by James M. Kushiner
R.C. Sproul and the Holiness of God by Amy K. Hall