Statistics debunk abortion safety myths by Alissa Robertson
Texas: How Pro-Lifers Won by Betsy Woodruff – “The pro-choice activists with ‘aggressive tattoos’ helped motivate.”
Pro-Abortion Texas Man With “No Rape Babies” Sign Defends Holding It by Steven Ertelt
A Reminder: Majority Support a Ban on Late-Term Abortions by Katie Pavlich
Pro-Lifers Take on “Bro-Choicers” by Nap Nazworth – “Abortion Helps Me Have Casual Sex, Bro-Choicer Argues”
Wendy Davis, Abortion Extremist by Rich Lowry – “Her rejection of any reasonable restriction … tell you all you need to know.”
The Lengths Libs Will Go … To Avoid Calling a Baby a “Baby” by Cortney O’Brien
The Old Testament and Abortion: Why King Saul Was Pro-Life by Ellie Saul
Adoption and Orphan Care
Orphan Sunday 2013 – Orphan Sunday is coming up November 3. This is another great way to apply and share the For Life message in your congregation and community.
Bioethics and Creation
Former NY Times Writer Virginia Heffernan Lampooned for Admitting She’s a Creationist by Leonardo Blair
The Boy Who Lived by William Saletan – “Embryo testing is progress built on failure, termination, and tragedy. But we only hear about the happy endings.” This article is not written from a pro-life perspective but shares a lot of information from a variety of sources.
Worldview and Culture
Why I’m a creationist by Virginia Heffernan
Putting Away “The Daily Show” and Other Childish Things by Mollie Hemingway
Churches Fear Lawsuits for Refusing Gay Weddings by Todd Starnes
Pointing the Finger by Michael Peroutka
You Will Be Made to Care by Steve Deace