July 11, 2013


As a Father of Five I’m Now Pro-Life, But My First Child Died in Abortion by Matt Barber

New York Times Writer: More Women Need to Rejoice Over Aborting “Parasitic” Babies by Matt Vespa

Interview: Inside the Mind of One of the Top Pro-Abortion Activists by Jill Stanek

Mother Gives Birth, Throws Baby Off 12th Floor to Her Death by Steven Ertelt 

Congressman Shocked Agency Says Aborting Late-Term Babies Saves Money by Steven Ertelt

Cloaking Infanticide With Medical Respectability – Reprehensible Practices – by Denise Hunnell, MD

Adoption and Orphan Care

Pro-Abortion Fallacy of the Day: “Why Don’t You Pro-Lifers Adopt?” by Calvin Freiburger

Hundreds of Families Call to Adopt and Save Down Syndrome Baby From Abortion by Steven Ertelt

Ministry’s first orphans home breaking ground – “The East African nation of Tanzania is saturated with AIDS orphans–1.3 million of them. Overall, this makes 4 million orphans living in Tanzania without the loving arms of a parent.”

Family Living

Most children in England will be born out of wedlock by 2016 by Steven Swinford – “Most children will be born out of wedlock within three years because of the decline in marriage, according to official figures.”


Pro-Life Politicians Need Help by Pete Spiliakos – “Conservatives should fund a media campaign to show the humanity of late-term fetuses.”

Bush deflects sin question by La Shawn Barber

Worldview and Culture

Supposed Crimes of the Mind by Victor David Hanson – “With hate speech, it’s the perceived ideology of the perpetrator that matters most.”

Unfinished Song by Stephanie Perrault – A movie review.

This and That

The 15 Most Annoying Things About American Culture by John Hawkins

Earliest alphabetical inscription from Biblical times found in Jerusalem – “A 3,000-year-old inscribed piece of an earthenware jug dating back to the time of King David has archaeologists stumped.”