January 5, 2015


Killable by Wesley J. Smith

Planned Parenthood Kills Almost 1 Million Babies in Abortions in Last Three Years by Cortney O’Brien

They Say Black Lives Matter But Abortion is the Number One Killer of Black People by Kathy Allen, Ph.D.

Roe v. Wade: Absurd, deadly, catastrophic by Paul Stark 


Doctors Euthanize 650 Babies Under Assisted Suicide Law in the Netherlands by Sarah Zagorski

Worldview and Culture

Why the Miley Cyrus generation needs the old movies … urgently by Anthony Esolen

“Religious Freedom Day” Resources Available by Adriane Heins

WORLD’s 2014 anti-science list – The top seven unscientific claims from the past year by Daniel James Devine

Why do most Russian women hate feminism? by Diana Bruk

Let’s face it: “The Interview” is a lousy, lousy film by Alistair Nicholas

Unbroken: A cure for cynicism by Janie B. Cheaney

New Year, Old Resolution – Defend Religious Liberty by Eric Metaxas – “Every January we make new resolutions for the New Year. But maybe we need to return to an old one.”

This and That

New Year Resolution
by James M. Kushiner, Executive Director, The Fellowship of St. James

Gym memberships and weight-control products are hot items at the moment because of those annual resolutions many are tempted to make.

How about something different? One resolution only: Don’t ever give up on virtue and repentance and godly habits. Everyday, make a new start. When you fall, pick yourself up and try again. And again. Seek the Lord’s presence and help in time of need. And whenever we fail is a time of need. Apart from Him we can do nothing! Learn that this year and we will go far.

Pray often and read the Bible every day–and if you can’t acquire the habit, try it again, and again. Don’t give up and say, I just can’t do it. You can do it now. One step at a time. If you miss a day, don’t go back and try to make up for it. Just start where you are today. It is always Today, the day of our salvation. It’s not down the road, it’s here, right now. “The Lord is near.”