At March For Life, Single Mom Personifies The Power To Overcome Evil With Good by Jay Hobbs – “Janai was only a few classes shy of earning her bachelor’s degree when she was date-raped. She kept her baby.”
Big news report card: Five key questions about news coverage of March for Life by Bobby Ross Jr.
24 of the Best Pro-Life Signs From the 2017 March for Life by Caleb Ecarma
Oregon’s powerful video brilliantly conveys abortion’s immense death toll by Dave Andrusko
A Disabled Lawmaker Speaks Out About Abortion: “People Like Me” Are Facing Extinction by Bre Payton
Planned Parenthood Caught Denying Pregnant Women Ultrasounds: We Only Use Them for Abortion by Steven Ertelt
Audio: The American Serial Killer The Media Won’t Talk About: Kermit Gosnell
Poland’s president backs strengthening abortion law “for the sake of the country” by Natalia Dueholm
Sharing the Message of Lutherans For Life
Farewell Jean Garton, Farewell my Friend … by Jacki Ragan
Worldview and Culture
British Government Bans the Term “Expectant Mother” Because It’s Supposedly “Non-Inclusive” by Erin Parfet