Dr. Speaks at Fort Wayne Right to Life Rally – An article from “Today’s Catholic News.”
Abortion at 40 – New Fronts on the Battlefield for Life by Eric Metaxas – “On the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, some ‘pro-choice’ activists are having a midlife crisis.”
Abortion and the Gospel by Dr. Russell D. Moore
Forty years in the wilderness by Marvin Olasky – “Roe v. Wade – Trusting God for the solution, we must save as many children as we can in the meantime”
Video: The creepiest abortion ad ever? Quite possibly by John Jalsevac
Video: Roe – Very powerful.
Imagine the Potential – Commercial Rejected by NBC and CNN
Kids Write Obama on Abortion by Mike Adams
Dr. Martin Luther King’s Dream and the Nightmare of Black Genocide in America
Dads – another victim of abortion by Anne Reed
Support for Roe. v. Wade Reaches All-Time High by Daniel Doherty
The March Goes On – 40 Years of Protest
Roe v. Wade at 40: Where Do We Go From Here? – Past Failures and Future Resolves in the Battle for Human Life by Wesley Strackbein
The gospel & adoption by Stacy Long
Russian Supreme Court Orders Final U.S. Adoptions Carried Out by Jonathan Earle – The quote, toward the end of the article, about Russians standing in line to adopt is utterly ridiculous.