Stand for Life by Mike Adams
Has the Time Come? Hobby Lobby and the HHS Mandate by John Stonestreet – “Why has a major retailer decided to defy a federal mandate? The owners are Christians, and they’ve decided to obey God first.”
The abortion of unwanted girls taking place in the UK by Rowena Mason – “Illegal abortion on the grounds of gender may be taking place in Britain within immigrant communities, ministers have admitted for the first time after an official analysis of birth statistics.” In other words, go ahead and kill babies, just don’t base it on gender.
Raising Eric Metaxas – Challenging Consumers of Culture by John Stonestreet
The Problem with Earbuds by Jay Younts
Safe Not Sold by Bill Blacquiere
How to Stop the Killing by Rev. Gregory K. Williamson, a long time US Army chaplain
Planned Parenthood’s Attack on Women’s Health by Steven Aden
Louie Giglio and the New State Church by Russell D. Moore
An Inauguration to Make Orwell Proud ny Michael Brown
The Long and the Short by Pastor James Winderlich – “Sometimes I feel dumb.”
What Makes You You? Memory, Identity, and Belonging by Eric Metaxas – “What make us who we are? These days, how we answer may be a matter of life and death.”
More on the Russian adoption ban:
Thousands march to protest Russia’s adoption ban
The Blind Girl vs. Putin: A Plea for Russia’s Handicapped Orphans by Simon Shuster
Adoption options plummet as Russia closes its doors by Wendy Koch