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Abortions top 56 million since Roe v. Wade by Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D.
Slaughter of the Innocents – Questions About China’s Family Planning Policies by Father John Flynn, LC
Will Spain Abolish Abortion? by Steven Mosher and Carlos Beltramo – “A proposed new law will help end abortion-on-demand”
The Mayor of New York and His War Against The Unborn by Michael Brown
How should you speak to your children about abortion? by Fr. Frank Pavone
Sorry, Baby, You Don’t Exist! by Judie Brown
San Francisco QB Colin Kaepernick Says Being Adopted a “Blessing” by Steven Ertelt
Our Crazed Sexuality Standards by Mona Charen – “Our obsession with sexuality as identity undermines the best interests of children.”
Family Living
Commonplaces: Teenagers, Reading, and Language by Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Little Sisters vs. Goliath by Tom Purcell
Worldview and Culture
Why Is Religion Invisible To The Media? by Molly Hemingway – “A 12-year-old girl wrote herself a note before she died. It contained an amazing message of hope and redemption. That was before the media got to it.”
Thomas Undoubted by Erick Erickson
Don’t Destroy This Family by Kevin D. Williamson – “Germany persecutes homeschoolers, with an assist from the Obama administration.”