The Editors of National Review: Unconscionable
Richard Doerflinger: Mandatory Abortion Coverage? – Watching for the next step from the Obama administration.
Jim Daly: This is the Face of Clarity, Charity and Conviction
Planned Parenthood’s psychopathic pummeling of Komen
Teen pregnancy, abortion rates at record low
Chance for Adoptive Families to Speak into the Intercountry Adoption Process
Rebekah Maxwell: The Name of the Father and of the Son – Three North American Bible-translating organizations have decided they now have the power to do what centuries of faithful Christians and scriptural scholars have been too humble to dream of doing: redefine God.
Seton Hall event highlights lives of unborn children
Joel McDurmon: Repackaging Darwin: avoiding the “e”-word
Russia: Pair of 12-Year-Olds Dead In 16-Floor Suicide Plunge
The Gospel provides powerful hope for India’s temple prostitutes