Would Beyoncé’s Babies Still Be Babies If She Chose Abortion? by Nicole Russell – “Either mothers are pregnant with babies or fetuses. They can’t be one or the other depending on perspective, mother, or enthusiasm. bet365 عربي ”
Writer: If We Called Unborn Babies “Fetal Refugees” Would Liberals Oppose Abortion? by Micaiah Bilger
LCMS Lutherans join hundreds of thousands to march for life by Kevin Armbrust
Family Living
That Viral Houston Daycare Sign Is Right. Parents, Get Off Your Phones by Heather Wilhem – “The sign indicates that large numbers of parents were idling about on their phones all the time. If you live in twenty-first-century America you can instantly confirm this.”
Worldview and Culture
Audio: The Man Behind The Sting: Fighting Child Slavery In The U.S. And Abroad
“Life 360°” conference addresses current life issues by Kevin Armburst
The astonishing witness of locked-in patients by Michael Cook – “Despite their terrible disability, they are satisfied with life”
N.J.’s oldest nurse, 97, rewrites the rules on aging by Jay Levin