February 26, 2014


New Documentary “Veil of Tears” Highlights Sex-Selection Abortion, Infanticide in South Asia by Roe Ann Estevez

Barbra Streisand’s Fundraising Letter for Pro-Abortion Group: “I Was Lucky Enough to be Born” by Steven Ertelt


Losing Human Dignity – The modern environmental movement has become radically anti-human – A NRO interview with Wesley J. Smith by Kathryn Jean Lopez

Why the human zygote is an organism (and why it matters) by Paul Stark


Belgium King Urged Not to Sign Measure Allowing Doctors to Euthanize Children by Steven Ertelt

Jahi McMath’s Mother Owes No Apology for Defending Her Daughter’s Right to Live by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Singer Wouldn’t Leave Comatose Fiance’ After Accident: “What Kind of Man Would I Be?” by Dave Andrusko

Dr. Butterfield Goes to Wheaton – Young Evangelicals and Same-sex Marriage by John Stonestreet – “You’ve heard the narrative: Young evangelicals are abandoning traditional morality. A lot of people want it to be true, but is it?”

Orphan Care

While programs to bring over Russian orphans in need of Forever Families are no longer available, there are organizations that offer wonderful hosting opportunities with children from other countries. One example is New Horizons for Children. Check out their new video along with their Facebook page to find out more.


Leaving Marriage Defenseless – Blurring Law and Politics by John Stonestreet – “Another state ban on same-sex ‘marriage’ is struck down by a federal judge. What’s going on, and what are we to make of it? قواعد لعبة بلاك جاك

This and That

How shall they hear …? – Siberia Letter of Rev. Alan Ludwig