February 22, 2017


What Motivated Norma McCorvey to Defend Unborn Children by Nicholas Frankovich – “In standing up for them, she stood up also for herself.”

Roe v. Wade Attorney Sarah Weddington’s Shocking Answer When Asked, “Whatever Happened to Roe?” by Melissa Clement

Teen offers powerful response to magazine’s “flippant” article on gifts to give a girl after an abortion by Fr. Mark Hodges

Oklahoma Lawmaker Tarred For Saying Abortion Choice Should Include Fathers by Nicole Russell – “A bill requiring fathers to sign off on abortions shows how a woman’s choice affects all three people involved—and how much more work pro-lifers have to do.”

Norway and Australia join countries funding abortion in developing countries


Benefits and Perks by Rev. Ken Klaus


Washington DC legalises assisted suicide

Family Living

“Regretful Mothers” Misunderstand Both Motherhood and Love by Alexandra Desanctis – “As women rue their parental responsibilities, rationalizations for abortion lurk in the background.”

Former Beauty Queen’s Facial Stroke Freed Her From the Notion Beauty is Only on the Outside by Erin Parfet

Movies – Television – Video

David Cassidy’s Dementia by Melissa Mackenzie

Worldview and Culture

Why Professors Object to Being Recorded by Dennis Prager – “If what they say regularly in class receives attention, they risk being exposed for their ignorance.”

Your Body, Your Spirit, and a Good Night’s Sleep – Why Rest Matters by John Stonestreet – “Because our bodies matter to God—and not just in a moral sense—our rest matters to God, too. So much so, He built it into the rhythms of the universe. لعبة سلوتس