February 20, 2014


With Abortion, There Are No Do-Overs by Maria Gallagher

Abortion: Making Money by Killing by Patrick Ryan

Don’t Forget the Guys by Bradley Mattes

More Black Babies Die in Abortions in New York City Than Given Birth by Steven Ertelt

Planned Parenthood Ignores Science, Tells Women to Determine When Life Begins by Kristi Burton Brown

What to Do If Your Boyfriend Wants You to Get an Abortion? by Krisi Burton Brown

Restricting Abortion, Spanish Style – Who Are the Radicals? by Eric Metaxas – “The Spanish government wants to enact new restrictions on abortion. Why should we care? I’ll tell you why …”

Abortion Rates and Contraception – Correlation Is not Causation by John Stonestreet – “Great news! Abortion rates have declined. Less great news: the wrong people are taking credit for it.”


Video: Becoming Home – This is a promotional video for the new book, “Becoming Home: Adoption, Foster Care, and Mentoring–Living Out God’s Heart for Orphans” by Jedd Medefind. It is well done and has some interesting information about adoption. It runs a little over a minute.


Ken Ham Irked by Christian Critics, Bill Nye’s Change in Tone by Stoyan Zaimov


Belgium Passes ‘Right to Die’ Euthanasia Law for Children; Pro-Life Groups Call It ‘Abhorrent and Inhumane’ by Stoyan Zaimov

The American College of Pediatricians blast Belgian policy of “neonatal euthanasia” by Dave Andrusko

Pushing Child Euthanasia in the L.A. Times by Wesley J. Smith

Quebec should beware of euthanasia by Margaret Somerville – “Respect for life is more than a Christian bias. It is a foundational value of all human societies.”

Family Living

The Ideal Modern Marriage by Carl R. Trueman

Christian Dating Culture (Part 3): Women Struggle in Dating Scene That Expects Openness to Premarital Sex by Morgan Lee

Your Neo-Pagan Neighbor and the Gospel by Owen Strachan

Worldview and Culture

Survey: Christians Have Lost the Culture War by Todd Starnes

Russell Moore Blasts Russia’s Attempt to Promote ‘Pro-Family’ Values by Morgan Lee. (Dr. Moore gave the keynote at the 2011 Lutherans For Life National Conference.)

Fifty-Eight Gender Options by Gene Veith

Faith: The Only Sure Foundation for Human Dignity by Ken Conner

This and That

Video: Amazing Grace by Gayatri Nair – Well done.