December 9, 2019


Why Are Pro-Choicers Bothered by Images of Aborted Clumps of Cells? by J. T. Wynn

Pro-Life Activist David Daleiden Goes On The Offensive, Sues Planned Parenthood Doctor by Madeline Osburn

Babies by the Numbers by Judie Brown 

After the Abortion

Willful blindness of pro-abortion cheerleaders who dismiss women’s trauma by Grace Browne


Young boy invites entire kindergarten class to his adoption hearing by April Stevens, Nina DeSarro 

Why Embryo Adoption Damages Children’s Rights by Katy Faust – “The ultimate solution to the problem is not ‘embryo adoption.’ The solution is never creating surplus embryos to begin with. No human being should be in storage.” What are your thoughts?

Actress Kristin Chenoweth Shares Her Adoption Story: My Birth Mom “Gave Me Life” by Micaiah Bilger


The Vanity of the ‘Two Womb’ Baby by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Most Americans Think Cohabitation Is Fine, But That’s Not What Social Science Says by Peter Sprigg – “A new Pew Research Center study shows more Americans both cohabitate and find cohabitation acceptable than ever before. But cohabitation actually hurts people, especially kids.”

Movies – Television – Video

“Over-indulged” pro-abortion celebrity Jameela Jamil, berates pro-lifers as “clueless” in latest online tantrum

Worldview and Culture

“My Life is More Important to Me than an Unborn Fetus” or Anything Else by Gary DeMar