18 and Out of the Foster Care System, She Finally Gets Adoptive Family by Jim Daly
Three men tell their abortion stories intended to create support for abortion; impact is exactly the opposite by Dave Andrusko
Abortions Decline 3 Percent Nationally as Abortion Clinics Keep Closing by Steven Ertelt
Cosmopolitan Magazine Pushes for Abortions on Disabled Babies by Calvin Frieberger
What Did C.S. Lewis Think About Abortion? by Murray Vassar
Russia bans abortion advertising by Xavier Symons
Eugenics and the pro-abortion campaign in Ireland by John Smeaton
Family Living
“As if he was telling us ‘I’m okay!!! Don’t give up on me!,’” the incredible story of a baby born at 25 weeks who is doing fine by Dave Andrusko
Croatia helps protect the future of humanity by upholding true marriage by John Smeaton
Unilever’s Blockbuster Pro-Life Ad: Why Bring A Child Into This World? by Steven Ertelt
Violating Children’s Dignity In The Age Of Social Media by Jennifer Doverspkike – “Shouldn’t children be allowed to make mistakes without the whole world knowing?”
Give Thanks by Dr. Joel McDurmon
How to Deal With Holiday Family Tensions by Russell D. Moore