December 15, 2014


Black lives matter … well sort of by Ryan Bomberger

Supreme Court Lets Planned Parenthood Risk Women’s Lives With Dangerous Abortion Pill by Steven Ertelt

Obamacare and Eugenics by David Catron – “Is ‘positive selection’ a part of PPACA’s cost control strategy?”


James’ Story: adopted instead of a victim of a forced abortion


Babies, Plan B, and Abortion by Judie Brown


Making Sure Jahi Stays “Dead”? by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

10 Disciplines of a Godly Man by Jarrid Wilson


Minnesota auto dealership wins HHS mandate victory by Kirsten Andersen

Worldview and Culture

The Torture Report – Violating Human Dignity by Eric Metaxas – “Should Christians endorse, tolerate, or participate in the use of torture? It is a serious question. And I have a serious answer.” What do you think?

Stop Sending Cheery Christmas Cards – When you don’t mention our son’s tragic death, it only hurts more by Kay Warren