August 7, 2014


Aborting in the Name of Jesus by Dr. Russell D. Moore

Doctors Said She Wouldn’t Live Long, But Her Parents Rejected Abortion and Now She’s 32 by Nancy Flanders

Why is Planned Parenthood Running Away From the Term “Pro-Choice?” by Jill Stanek

A Christian Told Him Abortion Will Never be Stopped, His Response Was Priceless by Bryan Kemper


“End of life options”: a young person’s game by Audrey D. Cole

Family Living

Mum’s the Word on Divorce – The Church’s Scandalous Silence by Eric Metaxas – “We evangelicals are so silent on this crucial topic, we might as well call it the ‘D-word.’ I’ll explain.”

Fetal Development

There’s No Difference Between the Humanity of a Newborn and An Unborn Baby by Marjorie Dannenfelser

Sexual Purity

Challenging the meaninglessness of sex by Ryan C. MacPherson – “Sex means something to us even if we cannot bring ourselves to admit it.”

The Effects of Sex on the Teenage Brain by Trace Embry

Worldview and Culture

Gender Assignment as Russian Roulette – Have We Reached a Tipping Point? by Eric Metaxas – “Sometimes you have to follow an idea to its logical conclusion to find out if it’s crazy. And a recent article on gender proves the point. الربح الحقيقي

Hollywood Now Considers Anyone Who Practices Abstinence a Freak by Brent Bozell

You can’t have a Culture of Life if you have no culture at all by Anthony Esolen

This and That

‘Apparently’ boy whose TV interview became an internet hit admits he doesn’t actually know what his favorite word means by Margot Peppers and Tamara Abraham