August 4, 2015


Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood and Racism – The Real Legacy by Eric Metaxas – “An effort is under way to polish the image of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. Don’t fall for it.”

Why Planned Parenthood Can’t Donate Tissue Harvested From Babies by Katie Geary

The 3 Percent Dodge by Rich Lowry

The Most Pro-Choice Thing to Do? Defund Planned Parenthood by Emily Zanotti – “Give women real choices.”

Planned Parenthood’s Lame Defenses by David French

Republicans & Planned Parenthood by Rod Dreher

Cecil the Lion vs. Cecile the Lyin’: the madness of our misplaced priorities by Ryan Bomberger


Suicide Should Not Be Made Easy by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Amazing Video of Baby Saying “I Love You” Goes Viral by Sarah Zagorski

This Is What I Wish You Would Say When Your Child Points at My Daughter by Courtney Westlake – “As we enter the playground area, your child immediately points to mine, calling loudly ‘Mom, look at HER!'”

Worldview and Culture

Pro-Lifers Are Today’s Abolitionists by Nicole Russell – “The grisly Planned Parenthood child trafficking videos show pro-lifers have a cause not unlike abolitionists against the slave trade.”

Life after SCOTUS: Lutheran CORE Responds to the Recent Supreme Court Decision by Pastor Dennis D. Nelson