August 24, 2016


“Because if a single life does not matter … then what does?” by Dave Andrusko

Doctors said Jaxon wouldn’t survive, now he’s turning two by Nancy Flanders

Abortions suspended at Marie Stopes: “Women are being channelled into the abortion industry funded by the Department of Health”

Planned Parenthood president wants to repeal “every single restriction” on abortion by Susan Michelle

Baby Haters Use Global Warming To Justify Their Selfishness by Hans Fiene – “The only compelling reason to embrace the doomsdayers’ radical interpretation is that it pairs well with your aversion to sucking the snot of a toddler’s nose.”

Their Version of Shooting the Messenger by Bradley Mattes

What Does It Really Mean to Be Pro-Life? by Palmer Williams

Why Do More People Choose Abortion Over Adoption? by Micaiah Bilger

Sidewalk advocate meets baby she helped save from abortion

Our Abortion Culture Steals The Grief Of Miscarriage by Constance T. Hull – “There was my beautiful daughter on the screen, but next to her was the sac where here twin sibling had died. My great joy became intermingled with sorrow.”


Little girl’s adoption video is causing tears of joy around the world by Nancy Flanders


The successful use of Adult Stem Cells: The Best Kept Secret In Medicine by David Prentice


Why 9NEWS uses the words assisted “suicide” by Brandon Rittiman

Family Living

Marriage and the Gospel Story by Tim Pauls

Sleepy Eye, Minnesota, Couple Celebrates 75 Years of Marriage

America’s Looming Demographic Winter – Can We Avoid a Fertility Free Fall? by John Stonestreet – “Is America heading for a demographic cold snap? The fertility forecast is gloomy these days.”

Marine Brother Surprises Sister At Her Wedding

Sexual Purity

How an STD Nearly Killed Me — and Then Landed Me on Welfare by Liz Crokin – “In a matter of months, I lost my six-figure career, my luxury Hollywood apartment, everything — thanks to one conniving ex.”

Worldview and Culture

Have Lots Of Children. It’s Good For The Planet by David Harsanyi – “’Overpopulation is a myth”

Look At Where You’re Headed

Video: Anderson on religious liberty, traditional marriage

Almost Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong by Ryan T. Anderson

Exposing the Left’s Dogmatism on Sexual Orientation and Gender by Janice Shaw Crouse

Report Debunks “Born That Way” Narrative and “Transgender” Label For Kids by Mary Rice Hasson and Theresa Farnan – “Political correctness about human sexuality is fostering horror stories for some of the nation’s most vulnerable children and their families. A new report attempts to clear that away to present the science.”