The myth that Planned Parenthood performs mammograms refuses to die by Dave Andrusko
Minnesota Taxpayers Have Been Forced to Fund 77,000 Abortions Costing $23.5 Million by Bill Poehler
Stem Cells May Offer Hope for Autism, Study Finds by CNN
Family Living
Society Can Never Make Up For The Husband Single Moms Don’t Have by Rebekah Curtis – “Lacking either a natural or a legal bond to a fatherless child, ‘society’ leaves both the child and his mother with nothing but hearts on social media posts.”
Why Is The Man In Your Life Such A Jerk? by D.C. McAllister – When your husband comes home, or when you come home to him, ask him what he wants, and give it to him. You love him, right? He’s not a bad person.”
Fetal Development
Fetal Heartbeat Doesn’t Prove “Life?” by Wesley J. Smith
The Long Shadow of Roe Haunts the Supreme Court Debate by David French – “How one decision corrupted the judiciary and made the nuclear option necessary.”
France Reneges On Equal Rights For All By Banning Pro-Life Websites by Robert Morrison – “French President Hollande’s discredited government has attacked websites that offer women an alternative to abortion. Pro-lifers are threatened with prison sentences and crippling fines.”
Worldview and Culture
Try These 8 Simple Holy Week Observances To Prepare Your Soul For Easter by Cheryl Magness – “Easter is about more than bunnies and baskets. Here’s how you can transcend the commercial, and spend more time reverently preparing for Easter Sunday. لعبة بلاك جاك اون لاين مجانا ”
TIME and Truth – Without God, Reality Gets Slippery by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “TIME magazine is running out of things to declare dead. But their latest obituary is a worldview lesson on a silver platter.”
The Left Can Cite Scripture for Its Own Purpose by Ben Shapiro – “But they would never live by its rules.”
The joy of sacrificial service by Sean Nolan
Religion and Inequality – What the Secularists Are Missing by Eric Metaxas & Roberto Rivera – “Religion is good for you: emotionally, physically, and economically. Who knew? Not the secularists.”
Video: Age Is Just A Number And This Dancing Couple Is The Mind-Blowing Proof