April 22, 2013


Will Gosnell be forgotten? by Dave Andrusko

From Death to Life: One post-abortive father’s testimony – A father shares his experience of abortion and healing.


Dina from Parallel Russia – A good story of someone trying to help orphans in Russia.

U.S. Forms Group With Russia to Monitor Adopted Children – I hope this group does some good, but adoptive parents have long had to file regular reports on the health and well-being of their adoptive chlidren. These reports are sent to Russia–five reports total, over a period of three years.

Fierce Criticism of Christians & Adoption by Jedd Medefind – “Every meaningful undertaking has had its fierce critics, from the abolition movement to Ronald Reagan’s challenge to Soviet totalitarianism.   And—truth be told—although history proved the critics to be profoundly wrong on the questions that mattered most, many of the specific critiques they offered carried certain truths and half-truths worthy of thoughtful consideration. Such is the case with several of the Christian orphan care movement’s detractors.  As champions of the idea that children need families, we can still learn from criticism—even when it carries distortions or springs from past hurts or harsh feelings toward Christianity.”


The origins of the eugenics movement in Germany – Fascinating, but tragically sad, history.