Irish Health Minister demands that nuns allow abortion in hospital on their land
A Doctor in the House? by Rev. Ken Klaus
The Value of Disappointment by Amy K. Hall
An Agonizingly Cruel Death Sentence by Bradley Mattes
Fetal Development
Do babies feel pain in the first trimester? New study shows incredible nerve development
“Every time we hit a bump in the road, God was there” by Dave Andrusko
5 amazing things preborn children can do inside the womb by Rebecca Downs
Family Living
Perhaps the Biggest Threat to Our Kids’ Faith by Brett Kunkl
The loneliness of the middle-aged man by Helena Adeloju – “As well as his family, a man needs friends.”
Watch Pro-Abortionists Beat A Piñata Of A Pro-Life Senator’s Face by Bre Payton
Worldview and Culture
March For Science Organizers Are Accidentally Advocating For The Unborn by Cullen Herout – “Their website says ‘science serves the interests of all humans, not just those in power.’ Pro-life advocates couldn’t agree more.”
Free to be Faithful Newsletter – Spring 2017
The Battle against Sex Trafficking of Minors by George Will
No Sin, No Forgiveness Either – The Strange Persistence of Guilt by Eric Metaxas & Roberto Rivera – “So, traditional morality is out, and freedom of everything is in. Then why does everybody feel so guilty?”
A Warning to Apologists about Sin by Amy K. Hall
Video: Is Christianity Based on Threats? by Greg Koukl – “Greg responds to the claim that Christianity uses scare tactics in order to convert people.”
Do The Right Thing by Erick Erickson