April 19, 2017


7 Myths Planned Parenthood is Peddling to Fend Off Defunding: Part One by Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D. 

7 Myths Planned Parenthood is Peddling to Fend Off Defunding: Part Two by Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D.

7 Myths Planned Parenthood is Peddling to Fend Off Defunding: Part Three by Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D.

NPR Debate Smackdown: Truth vs. Prochoice by Ryan Bomberger

This Late-Term Abortion Clinic Shoots Babies Through the Heart With Poison to Kill Them by Cheryl Sullenger


Audio: Challenges of Adoption – “Adoptive parents Paul and Robin Pennington talk about the hard realities of adoption. The Penningtons, who’ve adopted five children, including some with special needs, talk about ROOTED, an online training course they’ve developed that offers gospel-centered support for adoptive and foster families.”

Audio: The High Calling of Adoption – “Paul and Robin Pennington, co-founders of Hope for Orphans, joined by Dr. Mary Bennett, a counselor and play therapist, talk about the needs of orphans in Haiti, and the difficulties adoptive parents may have after bringing traumatized children into their home.”


Peter Singer Defends Abuse – Setting Up the Victims of Bad Ideas by John Stonestreet & G. Shane Morris – “We say it often: ideas have consequences; bad ideas have victims. And a certain, consistent Princeton bioethicist continues to show just how true that is.”

The dehumanizing lexicon of eugenics is used to describe babies with Down Syndrome by Dave Andrusko

Crisis Pregnancy

Pregnancy Help Centers: A Consensus Service to Women and Children by Chuck Donovan

Family Living

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Until You Can Afford An Instagrammable Wedding by Elizabeth Winston – “The overwhelmingly materialistic norms surrounding contemporary weddings are not simply irrelevant to marital happiness. Many are positively harmful.”

Video: High School Sweethearts Reunite 64 Years Later

Fetal Development

When does life begin? It’s pretty simple by Paul Stark

Everyone Thinks The Unborn Are Persons. Saying Otherwise Is Just Denial by Timothy M. Jackson – “Our beliefs about ourselves and personal identity over time reveal that we already acknowledge the unborn are persons. We just haven’t reflected on the implications.”

Woman Told She Would Never Conceive Because She Has Two Vaginas Conceives Miracle Baby by Micaiah Bilger


Why Hillary Clinton Deserves Planned Parenthood’s Award Hillary Clinton by Alexandra Desanctis

Audio: Federalist Radio On The Religious Freedom Case Going Before SCOTUS This Week by The Federalist Staff

Is It Okay To Ban Nonprofits From Tax-Funded Programs Solely Because They’re Religious? by James Gottry – “The Supreme Court is set to determine whether government can exclude certain nonprofits from neutrally available public benefits solely because they are religious.”

Sexual Purity

Genital Herpes by Dr. Freda M. Bush

Worldview and Culture

5 Reasons You Should Go Back To Church Again If You Visited This Easter by Cheryl Magness – “Whatever the reason you went to church on Easter, God is glad you were there, not because he needs you, but because you need him — more than once a year.”

Matthew’s Gospel Offers An Amazing Case For Christ’s Resurrection by Daniel Payne – “It could be that the disciples—a bunch of cowardly goatherds and fishermen—had secret ninja powers. Or just maybe, Jesus actually rose from the grave.”