April 15, 2016


What goes ‘round, comes ‘round by Jean Garton

The pro-life news story which went viral and is saving babies by Anthony Ozimic

China commits “staggering” 23 million abortions per year, according to US State Department

Why I am pro-life by Lauren Galvan

Woman Has Abortion So She Won’t Have to Stop Drinking and Partying by Micaiah Bilger

Her Parents Rejected Abortion, Now Baby Girl May be Denied a New Heart Because She’s Disabled by Conor Beck


All Of Us, Church Going by Rod Dreher – “But the passage of time, and the entrance into eternity of which death is the demarcation, never becomes a commonplace. I was thinking as we left the church singing ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers,’ how brave it is just to keep living in the face of dying. And I thought: look at all of us, here. Our town.”

Canada’s Prescription for Getting Away with Murder by Wesley J. Smith

Family Living

Rethinking Smart – Intelligence is Not a Number by John Stonestreet – “Are you smart? Are your kids? Well, the short answer is “yes”, if we know what “smart” means. Here’s some new thinking about an old topic.”

Broken Promises by Jay Younts


Commentary: Why corporations are wrong about the Mississippi law by Jennifer A. Marshall 

The Fight for the Presidency Should Not Matter So Much by Erick Erickson

The Illegality of Abortion by Diana Cole

Sotomayor’s Proposed Multiculturalism, a Good Thing or Bad Thing? by Jake MacAulay

Sexual Purity

5 Possible Reasons Conservatives Are Crazy About Sex by Rachel Lu – “Let’s consider some possibilities about why conservatives seem to have so many rules about sex.”

Worldview and Culture

Your Friends Are Not an App by Gracy Olmstead

On “Deeply Held Beliefs”

Audio: World Lutheran News Digest – Refusing to make a Cake – the story of Aaron and Melissa Klein

Six Ways to Encourage That New Millennial Church Worker by Emilie Finke

Bible Written Earlier Than Previously Believed? 2,500-Y-O Archaeological Discovery by Stoyan Zaimov

The trans craze is cray-cray by Steve Deace

Talking to Your Children About Transgender Issues by Jeff Johnston

The Secret of Jackie Robinson’s Greatness – Turning the Other Cheek by Eric Metaxas – “Some Christians are heroic because they fought back against evil. Find out about a hero who was great because he didn’t fight back.”

Hailing the valor of number 42 – with something crucial missing from the story by Richard Ostling
