Such a Wonder In the Making and I Was Planned as Jesus’ Lamb

Such a Wonder In the Making and I Was Planned as Jesus’ Lamb

Beautiful in Its Time by Melissa Blanton

Download Beautiful in Its Time by Melissa Blanton

From the writer, about the song …

“Our Lutheran School used it for the theme verse song a few years ago and the kids really liked it. We needed something easy enough for our preschoolers to learn but not too easy sounding for our 8th graders! It has a life theme. The refrain is Ecclesiastes 3:11a, ‘He has made everything beautiful in its time.’”

For Life Songbook

 The For Life Songbook is a collection of 18 pro-life songs suitable for classrooms, congregations, and choirs.

Songs include:

  • A Prayer for the Unborn
  • That They May Have Life
  • All Life is Precious
  • Breathe My Name
  • Celebrate the Life
  • Creator of All Life
  • God Knew Your Name
  • God Loves Life
  • I Will Not Forget You
  • I’m So Wonderfully Made
  • Jesus Loves ALL People of the World
  • Life is a Gift from God
  • Life is Ours
  • Life Song
  • Lord of Life
  • Rejoice, You’re a Child of the King!
  • We Choose Life
  • You’re Something Special.

Note: The For Life Songbook is a special order item and a project of LFL of Michigan. The For Life Songbook is available for a donation of any size. To order, and to find out more, please call 517.420.4826 or e-mail

God Knew Your Name

Words and music by James Likens. Every once in a while a song comes along that not only speaks to the heart, it changes the heart. This is one of them. Originally written for the dramatic film Life: It’s a “Class” ProjectGod Knew Your Name has been used at baptisms, weddings, funerals, and in the classroom to teach that God is the Creator and Author of LIFE. God Knew Your Name has touched the lives and hearts of thousands of people.

“Before the light of day shined on your little face, God knew your name. When no one else could see how precious you would be, God knew your name.”

Order God Knew Your Name

God Loves Life

God Loves Life: Download

God Loves Life (music only): Download

Order God Loves Life sheet music at CPH

God Loves Life lyrics

From the moment of first conception
And His love is without exception
Rich or poor Big or small
In love, His Son He gave us

Through Christ, our God has saved us
Short or tall,
Young or old
In Water and Word He claims us

By the Spirit’s power, He names us
Shy or bold
Girl or boy
Now my heart in faith confesses

And each day my life He blesses
Yellow or red
Black or white
And when life on earth is ended

And in heaven our life’s extended
Rich or poor
Big or small
God Loves Life
God Loves Life.

Words and music by Terry K. Dittmer © 1995.

Here is a wonderful life-affirming hymn written and sent to us by Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr., pastor at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Campbell Hill, Illinois. This hymn would a wonderful addition on Life Sunday—or anytime.

Before I Formed You in the Womb I Knew You

Before I formed you in the Womb I knew you.
Conceived in sin, My Word of life still drew you.
Bought with a price, you are My holy treasure,
Loved beyond measure.

Lo, your first parents I made in My image,
But through their fall that kinship they did damage.
I made a promise: My Son would redeem them.
Thus I esteem them.

You are a temple of the Holy Spirit.
You are My own; the Kingdom you inherit.
You are My child and I your holy Father—
I and no other.

All life is Mine; I jealously possess it.
I gave you life, and with My Word I bless it.
My Word shall speak to unborn generations
Of their salvation.

© 2010 by Rev. Alan Kornacki, Jr.
11 11 11 5

The Hands of God

The Hands of God by Jeanine Harms

A Psalm Hymn for Life Sunday

Pastor Michael Penikis of Hope Lutheran Church in Shawnee, Kansas, (and pastoral advisor for Johnson County LFL) recently shared a wonderful hymn with national Lutherans For Life.

Pastor Penikis wrote, “It was originally written for St. Andrew’s Day, based primarily on Psalm 139 and John 1:29ff … The Psalm is, of course, also the one LFL chose for Life Sunday … I think the words of the hymn referring to light also fit in generally with Epiphany, and so go beyond the one Sunday. The tune is not in our hymnals, but it doesn’t seem difficult.”

Dr. Lamb said about this hymn: “We always appreciate good hymnody based on the Word of God … with Psalm 139 as a base, it would fit well with a Life Sunday any time of year.”

For a free download, click below:

Lord Thou has Searched My Being (text)

Lord Thou has Searched My Being (tune)

Concerts for Life

Concert for LIFE is an exciting and artistic way to raise awareness of life issues, as well as funding for LFL Chapters, Life Teams and other life-affirming organizations. In 2010, Dr. Mark Laverty performed the first ever Concert for Life at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri, and much funding was raised—as well as awareness of life issues. (Click here for a photo gallery from the concert.)

The most recent Concert for Life was held in 2013 at Dr. Laverty’s church, Zion, and, in addition to a full house, the concert raised over $4,000 in contributions.

Dr. Laverty is a life-long Lutheran, concert pianist and the music director of Zion Lutheran Church, in Maryland Heights, Missouri. Back in 2010, he felt the need to help raise funds for Lutherans For Life by performing a traditional classical piano concert featuring the masterworks of Bach, Chopin and Liszt. This concert was a big success, and he is offering to provide this musical opportunity to LFL state federations, Chapters, Life Teams and congregations throughout the country.

Similar to having a guest speaker, Dr. Laverty’s concerts, along with brief commentary, inspire and help remind us of the beauty of life and music, and make us more sensitive to the “life” needs of those around us. According to the quotation, “Music has charms to soothe a savage breast.”

And we all know the story of David’s harp:

“ … David took the lyre and played it with his hand. So Saul was refreshed and was well, and the harmful spirit departed from him” (1 Samuel 16:23 ESV).

Consider also quotations from Martin Luther:

  • “Music has the natural power of stimulating and arousing the souls of men.”
  • “It also drives away the devil and makes people cheerful.”

This is the power of music, by God’s grace.

Requirements: A grand piano—and the cost would typically be an honorarium, plus any travel expenses.

If you would like to consider hosting a concert, please contact Dr. Laverty directly at 636.532.3931 or email him at Also, please visit

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