“Every time we speak in the Apostle’s Creed ‘conceived by the Holy Spirit,’ we not only attest to the divinity of Jesus at the moment of conception, but also to our humanity from that moment.”
Rev. Dr. James I. Lamb, former Executive Directive of Lutherans For Life
“LFL cares about creation because it has an impact on the life issues of our time. First and foremost, it means that the preborn are precious in God’s eyes. We are to value and protect that life. The psalmist tells us in Psalm 139 that God saw you and knew you even before you ‘looked’ like a baby. From the moment of conception, you were a human life who God created and for whom Jesus died.”
Ed Szeto, former Director of Outreach for Lutherans For Life
Vaccine Information and Commentary
Lutherans For Life Bioethics Resources Available from Lutherans For Life