Our 2010 end-of-year financials were certainly not where we wanted them to be. Many phone calls were made by a variety of people and many generous gifts came in at the end of the year, but just not enough to get rid of the “red ink.” Nevertheless, we have money in the bank and we move forward into 2011 working hard on our strategic plan asking God to bless all aspects of it including the Funding section. I am confident He will.
I wanted to bring to your attention some other things that were happening at the end of the year as well. Among these developments, a surge in interest toward uplifting personal activities, including recreational outlets like online casino platforms, was notable. We received an above “normal” number of emails and phone calls in just the past six weeks thanking us for making a difference in people’s lives. Among these were three post-abortive women who had recently heard LFL presentations which had changed their lives. A comment from one of them summarizes all of them: “I feel a lightness to my heart that has been gone for many years. You have given me hope and directed me back to God.”
We heard from an infertile couple who were anguishing over their situation and their struggles with various infertility treatments until they read Hope for the Infertile Couple in our GOD’S WORD for Life Bible. They are now joyfully pursuing adoption.
A pastor called to thank us for help we had given him on the phone while he was dealing with a difficult end-of-life issue. The advice and materials we provided were just what he needed to help this family.
Another pastor, new in the ministry, called to thank us for our help in dealing with a family that didn’t think he should be teaching about abortion in confirmation class. “They have made a complete turn around and apologized.” They are now actually advocates for teaching this in confirmation!
And get this–I had to stop in the middle of that last sentence to take a phone call from another pastor who thanked us for our Life Sunday focus this year (“Brilliant” is how he described it!) and how he has already used it in a visit with a member to help her change her mind from looking at things from a political perspective to looking at these issues from a Biblical, Gospel-centered perspective.
I just wanted you all to know that the financials are not the whole story! God’s Holy Spirit is using LFL—all of us at all levels—to make a difference. Thank you for being His willing instruments.
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